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Expressive Arts

Art & Design, Drama and Music  

Art and Design

Welcome to the Art and Design Department.

Throughout S1-S3, Pupils follow a Broad General Education - In the Art and Design Department this means that pupils will have the opportunity to explore and experiment with a wide range of materials, techniques and creative tasks, which are frequently tailored to pupil’s individual interests.
At every opportunity pupils are given the chance to develop their creativity, critical thinking and problem solving skills. Pupils will also learn to use Art and Design as a platform for expressing and communicating their ideas, thoughts and emotions.  
Through participating in a wide range of projects, pupils will learn about artists, designers and the wider world and will develop skills and knowledge which will assist them across their wider learning and within everyday life. Many projects also have a strong focus on developing skills and knowledge within Global Citizenship, Literacy, Numeracy and Health and Wellbeing.

Throughout S4-S6, pupils will work towards a range of qualifications, which are offered withing the Art and Design Department. The range of qualifications we offer are continuously reviewed.


Curriculum Information

Throughout S4-S6, pupils will work towards a range of qualifications, which are offered withing the Art and Design Department. The range of qualifications we offer are continuously reviewed and currently includes the following:

National 1 Units
Creative Arts - Creating Materials for Display
Creative Arts - Creating Materials for Performance
Creative Arts – Working with Textiles

National 2 Units
Creative Arts - Creating Materials for Display
Creative Arts - Creating Materials for Performance
Creative Arts - Developing Skills in Creative Arts

National 3 Units
Art & Design - Expressive Activity
Art & Design - Design Activity

National 4 Units
Art & Design - Expressive Activity
Art & Design - Design Activity


S1 Curriculum

Throughout S1 Art and Design, pupils will be introduced to a wide range of materials and techniques and will begin to build skills and confidence in using these. Pupils will be introduced to the visual elements (line, pattern, texture, colour, shape, form and tone) and will begin to experiment with these within their work. Pupils will also learn about a wide range of Artists and Designers and they will learn how to communicate their thoughts, feelings and ideas about both their own work and the work of others.

Term 1: Core Projects – Pointillism Project, Jim Lambie ‘Pattern Walls’ Project, Kandinsky’s Circles Project
Term 2: Core Projects- Lobo Paint Mixing Project, Paul Klee ‘Park Near Lui’ Project
Term 3 Core Projects- Wayne Thiebaud Ice-cream Collage Project, Line Robots Project


S2 Curriculum

Throughout S2 Art and Design, pupils will focus on further refining their skills across a range of materials and techniques. Throughout each project pupils will begin to use and combine materials in a more skilled manner. Pupils will further develop their knowledge of the Visual Elements and should start to gain more of an understanding of how to apply this in their work. Pupils will continue to learn about a wide range of Artists and Designers and they will continue learning how to communicate their thoughts, feelings and ideas about both their own work and the work of others.

Term 1: Core Projects - Folder Nameplate Design, Hot and Cold Colour Project, Winter Crafts
Term 2: Core Projects – Paul Klee Colour Mixing Project
Term 3: Core Projects – Scottish Landscape Project


S3 Curriculum

Throughout S3 Art and Design, pupils will advance their skills in using a wide range of materials and techniques. Pupils will learn more about the qualities of different materials and will be encouraged to develop their creativity through making independent, informed choices about the materials and techniques they work with. Pupils will be introduced to the Design Process and will be encouraged to independently develop their own ideas and solutions to a design problem. Pupils will continue to learn about a wide range of Artists and Designers. As well as being able to communicate their thoughts, feelings and ideas about art and design pieces, pupils will also work towards identifying and describing some of the qualities of the visual elements within.

Term 1: Core Projects – Hundertwasser Cityscape Project
Term 2: Core Projects – Georgia O’Keefe Batik Project, Winter Crafts
Term 3: Core Projects – Mask Design Project


S4-6 Curriculum

Throughout S4-S6, pupils will work towards gaining a range of SQA Qualifications – details of which can be found above.
The level and focus of these qualifications will vary depending on each pupil’s individual abilities and interests. All SQA units are delivered in a way which provides a high level of differentiation, which ensures that all senior pupils are completing qualifications which provide an appropriate level of challenge and progression.



Welcome to the Drama Department.

The Drama Department at Rutherglen High uses drama games, improvisation and movement skills to help our students develop key skills in concentration, confidence and co-operation.

We believe that these same skills help develop our pupils imagination and empathy, and consequently their ability to understand other peoples views and perspectives. Our pupils drama experience is enhanced by frequent visits from outside touring theatre companies who often focus on important social issues which can affect our pupils. 


Curriculum Information

AifL and assessment procedures.
Assessment is a continuous process in Drama and occurs through our target setting structures.

We share with pupils in the review and evaluating side of their work to consolidate their progress at all times.

Pupils follow a broad range of learning experiences focusing on improvisation, mime and role-play, using these to explore themes such: as melodrama, the waxworks and social issues. Through the topics explored there are opportunities for speech, self-expression, acting, team building and confidence building.

In S4, S5 and S6 students follow the New National Qualifications and Personal Achievement Awards. These include :
National 2:
  • Developing Drama Skills 
  • Using Drama Skills.
These are combined with:
National 3:
  • Developing Drama Skills
  • Using Drama Skills
  • Production Skills.
In all of these areas we are striving to allow our students to recognise and nurture their creative talents through creating and presenting in the classroom, and to wider audiences whenever possible.



Welcome to the Music Department.

S1 to S3 is Broad General Education.
S4 to S6 is the Senior Phase with a focus on National Qualifications.

Curriculum Information

Overview of National Qualifications available within the subject;

Music: Listening and Composing at National 3
Music: Performing (National 3-5)
Other qualifications available;
The following units from Personal Achievement Award are offered to students from S4-S6:
  • Performing Arts –Individual Activity
  • Performing Arts –Group Activity
  • Community Activity
  • Travel in the Community

Interdisciplinary projects S1 to S3:

  • Song Writing (Interdisciplinary project with English) 
  • Skills Groups for S2 to S3
    (Not offered this session)
  • Other IDL projects with other subject areas
  • Organising concerts in the community (Interdisciplinary project with World of Work)
  • Making percussion instruments (project with technical)


S1 Curriculum

In S1, the students will learn about different musical instruments. They will develop basic techniques on one of the instruments from each family of instruments covered.

Term 1: Percussion instruments
Term 2: Keyboard instruments
Term 3: String instruments
Term 4: Wind instruments


AifL strategies used
  • Peer & self Assessment

Assessment Procedures;

  • Formative assessment
  • Feedback
  • Worksheets

Tracking and monitoring.


S2 Curriculum

Students in S2 will be able to choose one instrument for further study.
All students will further their knowledge about instruments and styles of music and develop skills in writing their own music.

Term 1: Instruments of the orchestra
Term 2: World Music
Term 3: Scottish Music
Term 4: Composing Project

Aifl strategies used

  • Peer & self Assessment

Assessment Procedures

  • Informal listening tests
  • Ongoing assessment 
  • Feedback

Tracking and monitoring

Each student has a Record of Work. This is used to record the progress of the development of the instrumental skills.


S3 Curriculum

In addition to furthering their skills on a chosen instrument, the study of styles of music students will have the opportunity to explore music technology and to create their own music using technology.

Term 1: Popular Music
Term 2:  Latin Music
Term 3: Musicals
Term 4: Music Technology


AifL strategies used

Assessment Procedures

Tracking and monitoring

Each student has a Record of Work. This is used to record the progress of the development of the instrumental skills. Students are encouraged to reflect on their own work and, in conjunction with the teacher or instructor set next steps.


S4 Curriculum 

In S4 music is an optional subject. Students work towards SQA qualifications. The SQA qualifications are selected according each student’s needs.

Each unit studied consist of a listening (understanding music), performance and composing aspect.

Term 1: Popular Music 2
Term 2: Film Music
Term 3: Scottish Music 2 (dances, settings, composing)
Term 4: Today’s Music

Aifl strategies used

Assessment Procedures

Each student has two Record of Work – one for each instrument in which tasks, achievements and next steps are recorded.  In addition to this there is a booklet for each unit which contains listening, performance, composing and assessment materials.

Tracking and monitoring


S4 & S5 Curriculum

Options in S4 and S5

Students in S4 are able to select music out of a range of options which runs over two years.
The students work towards Scottish Qualification Authority (SQA) qualifications ranging from National 1 to National 5. The units cover aspects from performing, composing or understanding music.
Each double period of music is split into shorter sections. In each of these shorter sections the students work on one of the units.


Aifl strategies used

Assessment Procedures

  • Worksheets
  • Listening booklets,
  • Concept tick sheets,
  • Quizzes,
  • Formal listening tests

Tracking and monitoring

Each student has two Record of Work – one for each instrument in which tasks, achievements and next steps are recorded. 

In addition to this there is a booklet for each unit which contains listening, performance, composing and assessment materials.


S6 Curriculum

Options in S6
In S6, students are again able to select options.
In this one year option course students work towards qualifications ranging from National 1 to National 5.

The main emphasis is on developing instrumental skills. Students work individually or as part as a band.